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Leaving A Legacy

Leaving a Legacy is a campaign designed to inspire members of the church, our friends, and partners throughout the community to think beyond their lifespan when doing good works.  Think of how wonderful it will be if each one of us remembered our church and the many people that look to us for guidance as well as assistance.  Leaving a legacy is a way to make an extraordinary difference in the lives of others.  Leaving a legacy is a means of impacting future generations by ensuring that resources are available and on hand in the times to come.  Leaving a legacy is a way to ensure that your legacy lives on, and that the people and things important to you are able to continue to flourish indefinitely.

Be a blessing.  Make a difference.  Leave a donation in your will or your estate planning that will go a long way in helping the church to fulfill its mission to spread the Gospel as well as show the love of Jesus Christ.  Please consider leaving a legacy with the Fountain Head Baptist Church.  Your thoughtfulness and generosity will never be forgotten.  May God richly bless you is our prayer.


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