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        Fountain Head Missionary Baptist Church was founded in the early 1920’s under a Brush Arbor under the direction of Reverend McIntosh of Oviedo. The congregation consisted of approximately 15- 20 members.


         The first wooden church was built on Division St. which was recently renamed Oviedo Boulevard. Rev. Brown from Leesburg, FL dedicated the new building. Rev. B.J. Solomon of Wildwood, FL served as the church minister.

       In 1923, Fountain Head received its first official pastor, Rev. Kelsey of Oviedo. There were approximately 50 members. The church clerk position was created and the Adult and Youth Sunday School classes were instituted.


         Rev. Blunt, a revival minister from West Florida served as pastor when Fountain Head became known as “Holy Ghost Headquarters”. Fountain Head experienced a large increase in church membership during this time.

         Rev. S.R. Rembert of Leesburg, FL served as the fifth pastor for twenty years. Under his leadership, progress was made through the building of a second wooden  (board) church. Rev. J.H. Browdy Jr. served as Assistant Pastor. Mrs. Estelle Taylor was the first recorded Mother of the Church. Construction began on a stone building in 1952.


           Rev. Mikell served as Fountain Head’s sixth pastor for ten years. The present stone building was completed under this pastorate. In addition, a kitchen was added and heating was installed. Near the end of Rev. Mikell’s tenure, property for parking was purchased. Deacon Joseph Smith, Deacon Delicon R.D. Daniels, Deacon James Holmes, Deacon B.J.Jones, and Deacon Vander Bell erected the church annex in August of 1964. 


            Rev. Harris of Apopka, FL served as the seventh pastor. Rev. T.D. Frazier of Vero Beach, FL served as the eighth pastor of Fountain Head for ten years. Under Rev. Frazier’s leadership, approximately 100 members were added. A baptismal pool was built inside the church, central air conditioning was installed, and additional property across the street was purchased. During this time, Fountain Head secured a church bus, and the parsonage was built in 1976.


            In April of 1979, Rev. Jerry Jacobs was called as the ninth pastor of Fountain Head. Under his leadership, approximately 80 souls were added to the church. Rev. Jacobs ushered in a new era with an emphasis on teaching, leadership, and pastoral guidance. A Bible study class and Youth Church School were created. Church membership grew to a total of approximately 250.


           On the second Sunday of October in 1987, Rev. Lorinza Black became the tenth pastor of Fountain Head. On the second Sunday of July in 1988, a Mortgage Burning Ceremony was held to celebrate the retirement of the parsonage mortgage. Rev. Black retired in January of 1996.


          Pastor Victor Blair was installed as the eleventh pastor of Fountain Head on May 11, 1996. Ministering in Excellence marks the leadership of Pastor Blair. Ministry highlights during Pastor Blair’s tenure are as follows:




                    • The Hour of Power weekly prayer service
                    • Praise Team
                    • Restructured church accounting system
                    • Church computers, fax machine, copiers etc.
                    • Renovation of the church sanctuary and annex
                    • Renovation of the church grounds
                    • New Member’s Orientation Class
                    • New sanctuary and worship center plans formalized
                    • Building fund established
                    • Purchase of four parcels
                    • Revised church constitution recorded with state of Florida
                    • Ministry Manual of church leadership responsibilities

                        created and  instituted
                    • The Fountain Academy Tutorial Program
                    • Men of Integrity
                    • Women of Excellence
                    • Quarterly church newsletter – The Fountain Pen
                    • Church Administrator position established
                    • October 1997- Church Mission Statement
                    • Annual Men’s and Women’s Conferences
                    • National speakers and workshop facilitators



Hundreds of souls have united with Christ or rededicated their lives under the leadership of Pastor Blair.

           In March of 2005, Fountain Head sent its first missionary team to Nairobi, Kenya in partnership with the First Baptist Church of Oviedo. Pastor and sister Blair were part of a missionary team that resulted in 296 souls accepting Christ, and the establishment of six new churches. A second missionary trip to Africa was completed in October of 2005. In November of 2011 the church multipurpose building was erected. In September of 2012 a third missionary trip was completed to New Delhi, India. Pastor Blair was part of the missionary team who's purpose was to train and develop Indian pastors and leaders for ministry.

          The Lord has ushered the Fountain Head Church into a new era of ministry. An atmosphere of anticipation and expectation permeates each worship experience. We honor our past, give thanks for our present, and embrace the vision for our future.


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